is closing by the end of the year. Scrapdebris isn't going away, so you can still stop by and say hi to Lisa. I will be retiring all of the kits prior to 2012 but you never know, you might find them here on the blog some day. This doesn't mean I will stop sharing but designing has been put on the back burner for awhile, just until real life settles down a little bit. My oldest son will be coming back home soon (yay!!) what mom doesn't want their son to come back to the nest. He will be 20 this December and has had a little taste of being on his own for several months...needless to say he hasn't done so well. But after he moved out, our youngest decided he wanted the bigger room so now the big kid has to move into the small bedroom (kid paint and all). I am taking a few vacation days from work so I can get the room organized since we've been using it for storage so it's a little messy right now. We've been doing some remodeling around the house so everything is out of place and very dusty! The next to get done is a concrete slab in the back of the house. We decided against a wooden deck since Florida isn't the greatest place for that. The sun beating down on it can't be good. After that, I am hoping for new floors! I found some wood planks on pinterest that I totally love. I would have to get the fabricated wood of course, the humidity down here would make the wood warp. I know there is a way to do it so it would give the wood room to expand when the humidity is up, I just don't want to take that chance. Anyway, the wood I want is Antique Tobacco Pine made out of old barn wood.
Gorgeous isn't it? I love it! I will do some more reseach before we decide because I would really love to have the real stuff!! So that explains a little bit why my posts are "here and there". We both work full time and doing what we can when we can. I will return soon with some goodies.