My Scrapbook

"Whimsy" Designs by Krista

"Whimsy" Designs by Krista

"Harvest Time" Designs by Krista

"Tilly" Designs by Krista

"It's All Good" Designs by Krista

"Natural Breeze Collaboration"
by Digidesignresort Collab Team: 
Mistica Designs, Carena, Kleopatra, Affair of the Heart Designs

"Bedouin Nights" by Marisa Lerin of Pixel Scrapper           
Wordart by Andrea Sehler

"Memorable" by Christine Smith

"Versailles" by Marisa Lerin
Also used pieces of Spring Field, Desert Spring and Bedouin Nights kits by Marisa Lerin

Papers and elements by Marisa Lerin
Wordart by Andrea Sehler
"Oxford" by Marisa Lerin
"Boo" by Marisa Lerin

   "Desert Spring" by Marisa Lerin